Haley’s Really Good Cookie Story

This is Gram. She’s 96 years old, and I’ve been baking desserts with her for as long as I can remember. Even today at 96, she will occasionally whip out a mixing bowl and throw together a batch of Snickerdoodles, but these days it’s usually paired with a “Honey, these aren’t as good as they used to be, my hands just don’t work the same anymore”. Trust me, they are still just as good, maybe even better. Gram filled my childhood with delicious homemade memories of baking all of the classics together in our kitchen: snickerdoodles, chocolate chip cookies, raisin puffs, cakes, marble squares, breads, bars, cinnamon rolls, you name it, she baked it. I wouldn’t be here baking really good cookies if it weren’t for Gram, so I guess you could say she’s the one who got this all started.
After college, my late Aunt Nora offered me some simple career advice, "You love to bake, why not start something small of your own?"
For the past six years, I've worked in all aspects of cookie making and selling. And after working in various kitchens, bakeries, grocery stores, and cookie factories, I started to think that Aunt Nora was right. It was time to start something of my own.

After spending many late nights in the kitchen, with a special shoutout to my husband, Zach, who is RGC's Chief-Tasting-Officer, I landed on my Original Vanilla Buttercream Cookie recipe-- something that is soft, sweet, incredibly indulgent, and I might add... Really Good?
Feeling a bit cautious about my recipe optimism, I sought feedback from the harshest critics I know... my four sisters! Almost in a chorus, “Wow, those are really good cookies,” was the overwhleming reponse! And voila, Really Good Cookies was born.
Just like the shape of a cookie, a full circle moment came to life: you’ll find me here, in my own
kitchen, baking and selling my own really good cookies, for the rest of time.